About us

At the Data Science, Discovery and Innovation Centre in Expo City Dubai, we offer a venue that uniquely blends historical significance with modern functionality.

Our beginnings - Dubai Expo 2020

The venue, once celebrated as the Australian Pavilion at Expo 2020, attracting over 1.6 million visitors, was gifted to the University of Wollongong by the Australian government.

We sincerely thank the New South Wales Government for awarding the University of Wollongong (UOW) a grant to repurpose the Australian Pavilion Expo site into the UOWD Data Science, Discovery, and Innovation Centre. This grant not only supports our mission in advancing data science and innovation but also allows us to showcase the excellence of Australian education globally.

In line with our policies, the grant will be efficiently used to develop a hub that exemplifies the quality and innovation of Australian academia, fostering research, and technological advancement.

We are grateful for this opportunity to enhance the global standing of Australian education and look forward to making significant contributions to the field of data science and innovation through this transformative project.

Our venue today - a multifunctional space for events

Today, the Data Science, Discovery and Innovation Centre stands as a multifunctional venue for corporate events and meetings.

Our mission is to provide a space that nurtures creativity, encourages collaboration and brings your unique vision to life.

Whether you're planning a product launch, a workshop, or need a space for professional cooking trainings, our centre is ready to accommodate your needs.